Reboot HP printer Using Powershell

We all hate da printa but you have to deal with those mofos without mercy.

You don’t trust your users actually restarting/rebooting the printer.  We know they are stupid, just putting the thing to sleep and waking it up again. Sometimes a powercycle is the way to go.

Off course you dont want to walk across the building just to do it right for once.

What if I told ya there is an easier way of rebooting them basterds. I have only tested this on HP multifunctional bastards but it might work on other printers as well.

I will no longer keep you waiting, you only came here for the magic script, well here it is:

$PrinterIP = "PutPrinterIPAddressHERE"
$SNMP = New-Object -ComObject olePrn.OleSNMP
$SNMP.Open($PrinterIP, "public")

Please note, snmp read/write has to be enabled for this to work

If you defined a Custom snmp string replace “public” with your own string (dont forget the quotes)
