
Just a random collections of urls I find convenient to keep around

  1. https://ninite.com – Nice site for Installing some useful tools after reinstalling windows
  2. https://live.sysinternals.com – All sysinternal tools (usefull for troubleshooting windows)
  3. https://memegen.link – One stop shop for all your memegenerating needs
  4. https://dnsdumpster.com –  Online Tool used to find public DNS records
  5. https://mxtoolbox.com – Online tool used for troubleshooting email servers/checking blacklists
  6. https://whois.domaintools.com – Online tool to lookup whois records for domains and IP addresses
  7. https://www.versio.nl Our webhoster, quality hosting for a fair price, Versio is based in the Netherlands. Especially their  reseller hosting packages are priced very well
  8. https://antiprinterfront.com – Because who likes printers?
  9. https://www.whatsmydns.net – see resolvability of a dns record around the world