Create custom mmc console and pin it to your windows 10 taskbar

A lot of (beginning) sysads have asked me how I pinned my custom management console to  my windows taskbar.  By default you are not able to do so by just right-clicking the icon and selecting “pin to taskbar”.  In this short tutorial I will show  youhow its done

  1. Start mmc by opening start >run and typing mmc followed by pressing enter
  2. Open the add snap-ins menu by clicking file>Add/Remove Snap-in
  3. Select the snap-ins you would like to use and pres the add button, when you done you can clik OK
  4. Now save the console by clicking file>save as and save the console in a folder  you prefer.
  5. Close the console and navigate to the folder where you saved the console.
  6. Right click the console and select pin to taskbar
  7. Great success!
