Secure your apache webserver openssl configuration to score an A in ssllabs


    Open /etc/apache2/apache2.conf in you favorite editor Disable ssl v2 and v3 by changing the line starting with sslprotocol to the one below SSLProtocol ALL -SSLv2 -SSLv3 add the following line to make sure the ciphers are used in… Continue Reading

Install SSL certificates for free using letsencrypt on virtualmin GPL control panel

To be able to host websites with https capabilities, it is strongly recommended to use a certificate signed by a valid authority. Most companies charge somewhere between 4 and 400 Dollar/Euro for a signed SSL/TLS certificate. Then there are some… Continue Reading

Install OpenVas security scanner on a Centos 7 server or VPS


Openvas and its web-portal called Greenbone security assistant is a very advanced but easy to use framework for scanning your (customers) servers and network devices for possible vulnerabilities.   1. Add required and some optional packages yum install wget bzip2… Continue Reading